Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inaguration of Barack Obama

Live coverage of Barack becoming president... how much better can it get? Thank you, Hulu! I'll be watching this between class and seeing a client today. This is truly a momentous occasion in history. In the midst of all the stressful, painful things that are happening in my life and the world over, THIS day and THIS man can make us all smile. I'm ready for a big change. So ready.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fortune Cookies

Why don't fortune cookies ACTUALLY give you a fortune? Huh? Is that so hard to ask for? I mean, they are called FORTUNE cookies. The least they could do is give a fortune. I have to say, I'm getting really sick and tired of cracking open those delicious little cookies only to find some dumb proverb printed on it. "The secret to happiness is an open heart" or "Too many people spend their lives reading the menu instead of enjoying the feast." It's crap! I want a freaking fortune!

It almost makes me not even want to order that mouth watering sweet and sour chicken. Almost...