Friday, May 1, 2009

Reporting from my couch

No, it's not swine flu. I promise. Never before have I been so self-conscious about having a cold. Yes, I have a full-blown, uncomfortable, annoying cold. It's migrated from my sinuses to my chest and left me reclined on my couch for almost 2 days now.

Usually, I relish being able to soak up the relaxation and delve into the blissfully nothing-filled day. This time, not so much. Let's just say the timing couldn't be worse. First, it's the last week of classes. Not only does that mean that finals are next week, but it also means that I am missing course evaluations and end-of-the-semester teaching obligations that just suck to not accomplish. My students have their last assignment due today (a poster presentation) and I'm not going to be there to grade them! And, due to our end of the year status, I can't just push the due date back, like usual. What's a sick teacher/student to do? Well, I wish I knew.

And if that's not bad enough, consider that tomorrow is my birthday. Yep. I'm going to be sick for my birthday and all the associated festivities. I'm pissed. Oh! And not only that, but yesterday (when I was also sick) was Jacob and my 2 year anniversary. I spent it in a sudafed haze and could not appreciate Jacob's company on that special day. Tonight, we had reservations to go to the #1 restaurant in Cincinnati and blow a bunch of dough on some delicious rabbit, fois gras, and sea scallops. No, instead I will be drinking Gypsy Cold Care tea, which is good, but doesn't hit the spot in the same way that a scrumptious plate of sea scallops with potato puree and a glass of Pinot Grigio does. Dammit.

So, with that, I'm going to blow my nose, wash my hands, and drink yet another cup of tea. I'll let you know when this passes. In the mean time, I have a dinner reservation to reschedule, a party to not go to, and work to not get done. Happy Birthday to me!

me (on the couch)